My favourite tips&tricks for the Best, Kick-Arse java IDE "IntelliJ IDEA".

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Tip 2: ALT+F1

heres another one of my favorite keyboard shortcut:

We all know that we can open java files with ctrl+N (or non java with ctrl+shift+N) once the file is open , how do we find its source directory (quickly). How do we locate its in project windiow , package window, or in commander window (nobody uses commander window, I’ll talk about it in later tips.) there is a keyboard shortcut most ppl are unaware, so I share it here, the magic keystroke is


In editor window when a file is open , just press alt+F1 and voila a menu pops up, select an menuitem and we jump to it, we can uses this key combo in many windows.
Its one of my favorite key-combos.

Until next tip, (quick,lightning fast tip)……………..
Keep Rocking.


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