My favourite tips&tricks for the Best, Kick-Arse java IDE "IntelliJ IDEA".

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Tip 3: CTRL+N with Camel Humps

ok, we normally use CTRL+N to open existing java files, suppose i want to open a file called,

so i'll type CTRL+N, small textbox will popup and i'll start typing


and a file list starting with letters "inter" will be displayed, suppopse i have 25 files starting with word "Intern.." then i have two options
1. scroll down the list and select appropriate file.
2. or keep completing file name till the list narrows down and then select required file name from the drop down list.

or else there is a better way, called the CamelHump way.

after pressing CTRL+N , type "IFB.." in caps and see the magic, the list narrows down to the appropriate file.
note: "IFB" is in caps, so we have to type the capital letters in the file name, and the list narrows down.

i'll post some screenshots too.



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